Current Perspectives
The psychedelic renaissance, MDMA, microdosing, mind control, ayahuasca, social engineering, politics, religion, research, media, the psychology of non-perception, conspiracy theories, conspirituality…. Think of this space as a living book that will grow with these writings and our discussions about them.
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Had my first ayahuasca experience with a brew made by Terence McKenna in a circle led by Ralph Metzner in 1986…
Microdosing was a secret I thought everyone knew until that afternoon in 2010 when I recommended it to my friend, James Fadiman, to help him dissolve a bit of writer’s block so he could finish his book, The Psychedelic Explorers Guide. “Why don’t you microdose?” I asked, hoping to be helpful.
“Microdose?” He said, What’s that?” I thought he was joking. I explained the theory, suggested he take very small, barely perceptible doses of LSD everyday for a few days, or longer. Next time we met I gave him a little bottle with a hundred micrograms dispersed into 100 drops. Little did I know a new craze was born….
Psychology of Non - Perception
The Psychology of Non Perception is an inquiry into the strategies — conscious and unconscious—that prevent us from seeing the obvious. I began to think in these terms in the 1980s after studying the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy and their coverups. It soon became clear that the official stories that Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan acted alone, were false. Not just false: obviously false.
How do these obvious deceptions succeed so well? How do they succeed still? And not just the Kennedy assassinations. There are many examples of how the obvious is obscured and deception prevails. Modern psychological research helps us to understand some of ways propaganda…
The Psychedelic Renaissance
The Psychedelic Renaissance…. Michael Pollen’s bestselling, Book of the Year, How To Change Your Mind, was a significant boost this psychedelic renaissance, which he says began in 2006. Really it began much earlier than that. In this section we will explore and critique the renaissance. Looking into who is behind it, what is their agenda?
The Road To Eleusis: Unveiling The Secret of the Mysteries
Republishing The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries was one of my most ambitious projects. First published in 1978 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, The Road To Eleusis, by R. G. Wasson, Albert Hofmann, Carl Ruck, and Blaise Staples, was a groundbreaking exploration into the sacred drink, the kykeon, of the Eleusinian Mysteries. For fifteen hundred years this ritual was the longest running and most significant mystery religion of classical antiquity, in many ways the bedrock of western religion and philosophy. The authors presented compelling evidence that the kykeon was a psychedelic potion made from ergot, a tiny mushroom that grows on grain, the source of LSD.