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Since 1980 I have explored the ancient and modern esoteric and healing dimensions of psychedelic plants and drugs. Lately I’ve been more focused on the sociological and political aspects of the different psychedelic movements of our time.

My research has brought to realize another layer to the modern psychedelic scene that is somewhat at odds with the story about them that is being told throughout the world in this period known as ‘the psychedelic renaissance.’

The history of religion contains the entire spectrum of human experience, including the most beneficent concepts and experience of enlightenment, God, universal intelligence, and so on. It also includes the most malefic realms of humanity: mind control, subjugation of populations, exploitation of our good nature, rationales for genocide, war, human sacrifice and other perversions. The history of psychedelics is no different, Used since the beginning of recorded history as sacraments to experience the farthest reaches of human nature, and to heal, psychedelic plants also figure in rituals involving human sacrifice and manipulation of minds. For example, in modern times psychedelic drugs were originally introduced in America as part of a social engineering scheme, a CIA operation, known as MKULTRA. This covert agenda backfired, a little, and partly sparked a short lived humanistic, anti war, ecological awakening. Today in what has become known as ‘the psychedelic renaissance,’ we see, once again, both extremes of humanity evident on the psychedelic scene. There is a concerted enterprise, a coordination of government and industry forces intent on popularizing psychedelic drugs again.

This website is for sharing and discussing all these ideas with colleagues and students around the world. To participate in these discussions I’m inviting you all for a nominal fee of $25 per year to ensure an engaged readership and conversation committed to advancing our knowledge and their positive effects If you can’t afford the fee and would like to join us anyway, contact me. I’m seeing this space as constantly evolving ‘living book’ about the altered states of America. I welcome your attention and your ideas to help it grow. Subscribe here